在今年5月12~14日期间,于中国上海国际视听展示设备与技术展,208号丹麦dnp的展台上,我们将为您展出曾获殊荣的整块式40英寸的Holo全息屏幕。让您一睹其清晰亮度与均匀色彩的动感演示。 |
丹麦dnp的地区销售经理,Anjum Parwaiz 先生认为,有了整块式Holo全息屏幕,我们于是能再迈前一步为各商户提供更完美的“飞跃式”销售点媒体,这悬浮于半空的演示概念,让一些装饰者以及室内设计者为现代厨窗陈列和其它店内销售环境带来新的生命力、更优雅以及更强的宣传效力。

整块式Holo全息屏幕现有两种类型:用于地面或挂于天花上安装的标准丙烯酸型 – 或者是可分离型,可直接贴上、分离,然后再贴上店铺的厨窗 – 又或是任何玻璃表面。由于这两种类型的屏幕都非常轻易地移动,因而是一些需要经常调动店内陈设的店铺,以及一些租赁公司的理想配置。
208号展台 – 或联系dnp销售和市场部经理,
Soren Busk先生 (电话:+45-4616-5100) 或
Maggie吴小姐 (电话:+852-3188-1308)。
One-block Holo Screen – large screen advertising in free space
At Integrated Systems China, Shanghai, May 12-14, booth 208, dnp denmark features the award winning 40” holographic display produced in one single sheet. The result is a dramatically increase in brightness- and colour uniformity.
– With the new One-block Holo Screen, we are moving one step closer to providing retailers with the perfect “flying” Point of Sale media, which – apparently floating in mid air – allow decorators and interior designers to bring new life, elegance and effectiveness into window displays and other in-store environments, says Area Sales Manager, Anjum Parwaiz, of dnp denmark.
While conventional holographic screens comprises several small holograms which are tiled together, the new One-block Holo Screen from dnp features a 40” hologram produced in one single sheet. The results are dramatically improvements in both brightness uniformity and colour uniformity with no visible lines and joints running through the image area.
The One-Block Holo Screen comes in two versions: a standard acrylic version for floor or ceiling mount – or a detachable version which can be attached, detached and then re-attached directly on a shop window – or any glass surface. And as both versions are very easy to move, they are ideal for regularly changing retail displays as well as offering profitable business to rental companies.
The new 40” One-block Holo Screen is the latest member of dnp’s extensive Point of Sale screen family, which also includes the dnp Holo Screen and Attention Screens.
For further information, please visit dnp at Integrated Systems China 2004, Shanghai, PRC China, booth no. 208 – or contact dnp Sales & Marketing Manager, Søren Busk at +45 4616 5100 or Ms. Maggie Ng at +852 3188 1308.
Photo: Close-up on the new 40” One-block Holo Screen from dnp.