在今年5月12~14日期间,于中国上海国际视听展示设备与技术展,208号丹麦dnp的展台上,丹麦dnp将为您推介在新广角系列中最新的高对比度背投屏幕。西格玛屏幕是专为明亮而现代化的办公室环境而发展的新产品,并且是新一代专业高亮度投影机的最佳组合。 |
灯光、空间和视角往往对工作的环境造成巨大的影响。今天,大多数的建筑都在设计现代化会议室时要指定自然环境光线般的亮度。比如要求越来越大的窗户和越来越明亮的室内设计。这也意味着,屏幕将会应用在光线更高水平的环境 – 但一方面这也典型地影响屏幕质素。

西格玛屏幕专为明亮办公室环境而提供更佳的清晰亮丽及高对比度的图像。同时,哑光不眩目的屏幕表面有效地吸收周围的光线并抵抗来自窗户以及人造光线。 |
西格玛屏幕就是为针对这个事实而开拓出非常高的黑色素,将图像的对比感知度明显地提升。同时,哑光不眩目的屏幕表面有效地吸收周围的光线并抵抗来自窗户以及人造光线 – 丹麦dnp的产品经理,Jacob Christensen先生如此讦价。
208号展台 – 或联系dnp销售和市场部经理,
Soren Busk先生 (电话:+45-4616-5100) 或
Maggie吴小姐 (电话:+852-3188-1308)。
Architectural freedom with new dnp Sigma Screen
At Integrated Systems China, Shanghai,12-14 May 2004, dnp denmark will highlight the latest high-contrast rear projection screen in the dnp Wide Angle series. The Sigma Screen is developed for the bright, modern office environment, and optimized for the new generation of powerful projectors.
Lighting, space and view all have a great impact on the working environment. Today, most architects specify high levels of natural ambient light when they design modern meeting and conference rooms. The windows get bigger and the interior design becomes lighter and brighter. This means that, the screen will be exposed to a much higher level of ambient light – typically hitting the screen from the side.
The Sigma Screen is developed to address this fact by delivering extremely high black levels, which dramatically enhances the perceived image contrast. And the matt non-glare surface effectively absorbs ambient light and combats reflections from windows and artificial lighting. Product Manager, dnp denmark, Jacob Christensen comments:
Like other screens in the dnp Wide Angle family, the Sigma Screen offers true 180˚ horizontal viewing angles with improved brightness for the steep viewing angles. On top of this, the vertical viewing angles have been improved to give installers greater freedom positioning the screen – e.g. at higher, more visible locations without losing image quality.
The Sigma Screen is available in sizes from 67”- 120” diagonal. All screens in the series are available in a wide range of different focal lengths for optimum installation.
For further information, please visit dnp at Integrated Systems China 2004, Shanghai, PRC China, booth no. 208 – or contact dnp Sales & Marketing Manager, Søren Busk at +45 4616 5100 or Ms. Maggie Ng at +852 3188 1308.
Photo : The Sigma Screen is optimized to provide sharp high-contrast images in bright office environments. The matt non-glare surface absorbs ambient light and combats reflections from windows and artificial lighting.