InfoComm展会 Ventuz带来多媒体交互解决方案

    [投影之窗消息]  2015年InfoComm将于4月8-10日在北京国际会议中心举行,为了让更多专业视听行业经销商、集成商以及用户认识并了解Ventuz,Ventuz携手显示厂商BenQ参加2015年专业视听行业盛典。



    Ventuz希望能充分发挥软件本身高度开放性、高度灵活性、无限创造性等优势让多媒体信息实现交互展示、实时数据可视化、社交媒体互动等功能应用。为有多媒体信息发布、实时数据具体化形象化、数字展厅等需求的用户量身打造了一个扁平化的富媒体解决方案,同时Ventuz希望通过企业不断的努力能为行业AV IT化的发展略尽绵薄之力。Ventuz诚邀您届时莅临EJ4-01(BenQ展台)参观指导工作。




About Ventuz
Leading experts from the television broadcasting, professional media, event and post-production industry established Ventuz Technology in 2004, with the objective of developing a solution to resolve the problems they were experiencing when applying conventional techniques.
In a once in a lifetime project, designers, operators, producers and programmers teamed up and created a tool more innovative and powerful than any comparable software product. What had started as an in-house project became a business, as more and more companies expressed interest in such a solution. Subsequent to initial development, the product was taken to market and quickly acknowledged by many well known companies, as Ventuz enabled them to put their most unusual ideas into practice.
Besides our core team in Hamburg and Dubai, we have established a network of freelancers, agencies as well as educational and research facilities. This network provides us with many excellent ideas and has become a major source of input for further developments within Ventuz. It is our window to the markets and the door to daily operations.