



      [投影之窗消息]  中国人寿保险(集团)公司是国家大型金融保险企业,集团新大楼地处北京市西城区金融大街核心位置,属金融街国际金融城范畴。中国人寿集团新大楼音视频系统工程不仅要满足集团内部业务培训的需要,同时也是中国人寿集团对内外交流的窗口,所以,客户从设备选型、系统设计到实施的要求都非常高。整个音视频系统集视频会议、投影及大屏显示、会议发言、音响扩声、信号切换等功能于一体,可满足各种规模会议、培训及小型娱乐活动的需要。各子系统音视频设备全部由控制室统一控制并由AV信号传到控制室统一处理;系统内部各房间的多媒体信号可以交互共享;建成后的系统平台可提供各种音视频信号的接入和输出。
    中国人寿集团技术部门深知要保障大楼音视频系统稳定、安全并提供高品质的视听效果,只考虑音视频设备的性能是不够的,作为系统信号传输“神经脉络”的线缆和接插件也十分重要。考虑到大楼内会议室数量较多,信号点位密集,信源终端之间距离跨度较大,电磁干扰强烈等因素,因而高品质的线材和接插件成为本项目的首选。整个大楼AV系统设备基本采用了国际主流厂商设备,包括专业音箱、高清摄像机、专业投影机,等等。 在连接线材及接插件方面,则采用了日本佳耐美公司广播级线材,以保障整个系统较高的性能、完美的音视觉体验。佳耐美公司为此项目提供的线材基本涵盖了佳耐美主要AV产品,包括RGBH信号传输电缆V5-5CFB、YUV分量信号缆V3-5CFB、VGA信号电缆V5-1.5C、数字同轴电缆L-5CFB、四芯星绞音频线L-4E5AT、音箱电缆2S9F、插头及音视频跳线盘等。

    Audio and Video system of new PICC office tower
    PICC is one of large state-run insurance enterprises in China. Its new office tower is located at the central area of the financial street in Xicheng District of Beijing. PICC equipped a sophisticated audio and video system to support not only its internal training purpose, but also presentation functions in other events like video conferences, etc. The AV system includes AV facilities in conference rooms, projection system, big screen display, professional audio, signal exchange system, etc. One central control room manages all AV signals processing and transmission. Multimedia signals can be shared among every sub-system and each individual room. The final AV platform also provides various input and output interfaces of audio and video signals.
   PICC technical department understands well that high performance of AV equipment is not enough to support a reliable and secured audio and video system of high quality. As the ‘blood vessel’ of an AV system, cabling shall be put on the same priority as it for AV equipment to be connected. Considering factors such as big quantity of conference rooms and AV interfaces, long distances between signal sources and its terminals, and also complicated situation of electric-magnetic interferences, etc, the high quality of cabling is a must to match the performance of its AV equipment like professional speakers, HD video camera, and professional projectors, etc. All AV cabling including cables and connectors finally went to Canare, a Japan-based manufacturer in professional AV cabling with broadcasting quality. Canare company provided RGBHV cable (V5-5CFB), YUV component signal cable (V3-5CFB), VGA cable (V5-1.5C), digital video cable (L-5CFB), mic cable of star quad (L-4E5AT), speaker cable (2S9F), various connectors, and audio/video patchbays in the AV system of PICC new office tower.


-- 周边及AV辅件专区 --